Tarrare: The Astonishing Autopsy Of A Human Enigma


Have you ever wondered about the autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite?

The autopsy report of Tarrare provides a fascinating glimpse into the life and death of one of the most unusual medical cases in history. Born in France in 1772, Tarrare was known for his incredible ability to consume vast quantities of food. He could eat up to 100 pounds of meat in one sitting and was even known to swallow live animals.

Tarrare's insatiable appetite was a source of both amazement and disgust to his contemporaries. He was exhibited as a freak show and was even studied by scientists who were baffled by his condition. In 1798, Tarrare died at the age of 26 from complications of tuberculosis. His autopsy report provides a detailed account of his physical condition and the extent of his unusual eating habits.

The autopsy report of Tarrare is an important historical document that provides insight into a rare and fascinating medical condition. It is also a reminder of the power of the human body and the extremes to which it can adapt.

Tarrare Autopsy Report

The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, is a fascinating and important historical document. It provides a detailed account of his physical condition and the extent of his unusual eating habits. Here are seven key aspects of the report:

  • Age at death: 26
  • Cause of death: Tuberculosis
  • Weight: 100 pounds
  • Height: 5 feet 7 inches
  • Stomach capacity: Enormously distended, capable of holding up to 100 pounds of food
  • Esophagus: Abnormally wide
  • Teeth: Worn down from excessive chewing

These key aspects provide a glimpse into the life and death of Tarrare, a man whose insatiable appetite was a source of both amazement and disgust to his contemporaries. The autopsy report is an important reminder of the power of the human body and the extremes to which it can adapt.

Name Birth Death Occupation
Tarrare 1772 1798 Freak show performer

Age at death

Tarrare's autopsy report reveals that he died at the age of 26 from complications of tuberculosis. This is a relatively young age to die from tuberculosis, which suggests that Tarrare's unusual eating habits may have contributed to his early death.

Tarrare's insatiable appetite put a great strain on his body. He was constantly malnourished and dehydrated, and his stomach was so distended that it interfered with his ability to breathe and digest food. In addition, Tarrare's excessive chewing wore down his teeth, making it even more difficult for him to eat.

The autopsy report of Tarrare is a reminder of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Tarrare's unusual eating habits led to a number of health problems that ultimately contributed to his early death.

Cause of death

The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, reveals that he died at the age of 26 from complications of tuberculosis. This raises the question of how tuberculosis, a bacterial infection that typically affects the lungs, could have been the cause of death for someone with such an unusual eating disorder.

  • Weakened immune system: Tarrare's malnutrition and dehydration weakened his immune system, making him more susceptible to infection.
  • Aspiration pneumonia: Tarrare's frequent vomiting and regurgitation may have led to aspiration pneumonia, a condition in which food or vomit is inhaled into the lungs.
  • Cavitation: Tuberculosis can cause cavities, or holes, to form in the lungs. These cavities can become infected with other bacteria, leading to sepsis.
  • Disseminated tuberculosis: In severe cases, tuberculosis can spread to other parts of the body, including the brain, bones, and kidneys.

It is likely that a combination of these factors contributed to Tarrare's death. His weakened immune system made him more susceptible to infection, and his frequent vomiting and regurgitation may have led to aspiration pneumonia. The cavities in his lungs may have become infected with other bacteria, leading to sepsis. Finally, the tuberculosis may have spread to other parts of his body, causing disseminated tuberculosis.


Tarrare's autopsy report reveals that he weighed 100 pounds at the time of his death. This is a remarkably low weight for a man of his height (5 feet 7 inches). It is likely that Tarrare's weight loss was due to a combination of factors, including his insatiable appetite, malnutrition, and dehydration.

  • Insatiable appetite: Tarrare's insatiable appetite meant that he was constantly eating, but he was not able to absorb all of the nutrients from the food he consumed. This led to malnutrition and weight loss.
  • Malnutrition: Tarrare's diet was extremely poor. He ate mostly raw meat and vegetables, and he did not get enough essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. This led to weight loss and a weakened immune system.
  • Dehydration: Tarrare was often dehydrated because he did not drink enough fluids. This led to weight loss and fatigue.

Tarrare's weight loss is a reminder of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated are essential for maintaining a healthy weight and a strong immune system.


The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, reveals that he was 5 feet 7 inches tall. This is a relatively tall height for a man of his time period. The average height for a man in France in the late 18th century was about 5 feet 4 inches. Tarrare's height may have contributed to his insatiable appetite. His long limbs and large frame required more calories to maintain than a shorter man. In addition, his height may have given him an advantage when it came to eating. He could reach food that was out of reach of shorter people, and he could eat more quickly because he had a longer stride.

Tarrare's height is also significant because it provides a clue about his overall health. In general, taller people are healthier than shorter people. This is because taller people have more room for their organs and they are less likely to develop obesity. Tarrare's height suggests that he was relatively healthy, despite his unusual eating habits.

The connection between Tarrare's height and his insatiable appetite is a reminder that our physical characteristics can have a significant impact on our health and behavior. Tarrare's height may have contributed to his unusual eating habits, and it may also have helped him to stay relatively healthy despite his poor diet.

Stomach capacity

The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, reveals that his stomach was enormously distended, capable of holding up to 100 pounds of food. This is an astonishingly large stomach capacity, and it is one of the most striking features of Tarrare's case.

  • Facet 1: Physical adaptations
    Tarrare's stomach was able to expand to such a large size due to a number of physical adaptations. His stomach walls were extremely elastic, and he had a very large diaphragm. In addition, his stomach was lined with a thick layer of mucus, which helped to protect it from the acidic contents of his stomach.
  • Facet 2: Eating habits
    Tarrare's eating habits also contributed to the expansion of his stomach. He was known to eat enormous amounts of food at a single sitting, and he would often eat until he was sick. This constant overeating stretched his stomach walls and allowed it to expand to such a large size.
  • Facet 3: Medical implications
    Tarrare's distended stomach had a number of medical implications. It made it difficult for him to breathe and digest food. In addition, it put a great strain on his heart and other organs. Tarrare's distended stomach was ultimately a major contributing factor to his early death.
  • Facet 4: Psychological implications
    Tarrare's distended stomach also had a number of psychological implications. He was often ridiculed and stared at because of his unusual appearance. This led to him becoming withdrawn and depressed. Tarrare's distended stomach was a constant reminder of his difference from others, and it had a profound impact on his mental health.

Tarrare's case is a fascinating and tragic reminder of the power of the human body to adapt to extreme circumstances. His distended stomach was a physical manifestation of his insatiable appetite, and it had a profound impact on his life and death.


The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, reveals that he had an abnormally wide esophagus. This is a significant finding, as it provides insight into the physical adaptations that allowed Tarrare to consume such large amounts of food.

  • Facet 1: Swallowing ability
    Tarrare's abnormally wide esophagus allowed him to swallow large pieces of food without chewing them. This was a major advantage for Tarrare, as it allowed him to eat quickly and efficiently. He was able to consume up to 100 pounds of food in a single sitting, and he was even known to swallow live animals.
  • Facet 2: Gastric distension
    Tarrare's abnormally wide esophagus also contributed to the distension of his stomach. When he swallowed large amounts of food, his esophagus would stretch and widen, allowing his stomach to accommodate more food. This was a necessary adaptation, as Tarrare's stomach was also abnormally large.
  • Facet 3: Medical implications
    Tarrare's abnormally wide esophagus had a number of medical implications. It made him more susceptible to esophageal tears and ruptures. In addition, it made it difficult for him to vomit, which could lead to aspiration pneumonia.
  • Facet 4: Psychological implications
    Tarrare's abnormally wide esophagus also had a number of psychological implications. He was often ridiculed and stared at because of his unusual ability to swallow large amounts of food. This led to him becoming withdrawn and depressed. Tarrare's abnormally wide esophagus was a constant reminder of his difference from others, and it had a profound impact on his mental health.

Tarrare's case is a fascinating and tragic reminder of the power of the human body to adapt to extreme circumstances. His abnormally wide esophagus was a physical manifestation of his insatiable appetite, and it had a profound impact on his life and death.


The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, reveals that his teeth were worn down from excessive chewing. This is a significant finding, as it provides insight into the physical adaptations that allowed Tarrare to consume such large amounts of food.

  • Mechanical breakdown of food

    Tarrare's teeth were worn down from excessive chewing because he had to break down large pieces of food into smaller pieces before he could swallow them. This was a necessary adaptation, as Tarrare's esophagus was also abnormally wide. He was able to swallow large pieces of food without chewing them, but he had to chew them into smaller pieces in order to digest them properly.

  • Nutritional deficiencies

    Tarrare's worn-down teeth also contributed to his nutritional deficiencies. He was unable to chew his food properly, which meant that he was not able to absorb all of the nutrients from the food he consumed. This led to malnutrition and a weakened immune system.

  • Social implications

    Tarrare's worn-down teeth also had a number of social implications. He was often ridiculed and stared at because of his unusual appearance. This led to him becoming withdrawn and depressed. Tarrare's worn-down teeth were a constant reminder of his difference from others, and it had a profound impact on his mental health.

Tarrare's case is a fascinating and tragic reminder of the power of the human body to adapt to extreme circumstances. His worn-down teeth were a physical manifestation of his insatiable appetite, and they had a profound impact on his life and death.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tarrare Autopsy Report

This section answers some of the most common questions about the autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite.

Question 1: What was the cause of Tarrare's death?

Tarrare died from complications of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that typically affects the lungs. Tarrare's weakened immune system made him more susceptible to infection, and his frequent vomiting and regurgitation may have led to aspiration pneumonia.

Question 2: How old was Tarrare when he died?

Tarrare was 26 years old when he died.

Question 3: How tall was Tarrare?

Tarrare was 5 feet 7 inches tall.

Question 4: How much did Tarrare weigh?

Tarrare weighed 100 pounds at the time of his death.

Question 5: What was the capacity of Tarrare's stomach?

Tarrare's stomach was enormously distended and capable of holding up to 100 pounds of food.

Question 6: Did Tarrare have any physical adaptations that allowed him to eat such large amounts of food?

Yes, Tarrare had a number of physical adaptations that allowed him to eat such large amounts of food, including an abnormally wide esophagus and worn-down teeth from excessive chewing.


The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, provides fascinating insights into the life and death of a man with an extremely rare and unusual medical condition. His case is a reminder of the power of the human body to adapt to extreme circumstances, and his story continues to fascinate and intrigue people to this day.


The autopsy report of Tarrare is an important historical document that provides valuable information about a rare and fascinating medical condition. It is also a reminder of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated are essential for maintaining a healthy weight and a strong immune system.


The autopsy report of Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite, is a fascinating and informative document that provides valuable insights into a rare and unusual medical condition. Tarrare's case highlights the power of the human body to adapt to extreme circumstances, and his story continues to fascinate and intrigue people to this day.

Tarrare's autopsy report is also a reminder of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated are essential for maintaining a healthy weight and a strong immune system. Tarrare's case is a tragic reminder of the consequences of malnutrition and excessive eating.

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