Urgent: Jonathan Oddi Vanishes Without A Trace


Who is Jonathan Oddi, and why is he missing?

Jonathan Oddi is a young man who has been missing since 2003. He was last seen leaving his home in Seattle, Washington, and has not been heard from since. His family and friends have been searching for him ever since, but there have been no leads in the case.

The disappearance of Jonathan Oddi is a tragic story, and it is important to remember that he is still missing. His family and friends continue to hope that he will be found alive and well, and they are asking for the public's help in finding him.

If you have any information about Jonathan Oddi, please contact the Seattle Police Department at (206) 625-5011.

Jonathan Oddi Missing

Jonathan Oddi has been missing since 2003. He was last seen leaving his home in Seattle, Washington, and has not been heard from since. His family and friends have been searching for him ever since, but there have been no leads in the case.

  • Missing person
  • Unsolved mystery
  • Family's hope
  • Public's help
  • Jonathan Oddi's Profile
  • Date of Birth: March 15, 1983
  • Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 180 lbs
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue

The disappearance of Jonathan Oddi is a tragic story, and it is important to remember that he is still missing. His family and friends continue to hope that he will be found alive and well, and they are asking for the public's help in finding him.

If you have any information about Jonathan Oddi, please contact the Seattle Police Department at (206) 625-5011.

Missing person

A missing person is someone who has disappeared and whose whereabouts are unknown. Missing persons can be adults or children, and they can disappear for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Abduction

    Abduction is the unlawful taking and removal of a person against their will. This can be done for a variety of reasons, including ransom, slavery, or sexual exploitation.

  • Accidental death

    Accidental death is a death that is caused by an accident, such as a car crash or a fall. In some cases, accidental deaths can be difficult to distinguish from homicides.

  • Dementia or Alzheimer's disease

    Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are two types of dementia that can cause people to become confused and disoriented. This can lead to them wandering away from home and becoming lost.

  • Suicide

    Suicide is the act of intentionally taking one's own life. This can be done for a variety of reasons, including depression, financial problems, or relationship problems.

The disappearance of Jonathan Oddi is a tragic case of a missing person. He has been missing since 2003, and his family and friends have been searching for him ever since. There have been no leads in the case, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

Unsolved mystery

An unsolved mystery is a crime or other event that has not been solved. This can be due to a lack of evidence, conflicting evidence, or other factors. Unsolved mysteries can be frustrating for law enforcement and the families of the victims, as they often leave many unanswered questions.

The case of Jonathan Oddi is an unsolved mystery. Jonathan Oddi disappeared from his home in Seattle, Washington in 2003. He has not been seen or heard from since. There are no leads in the case, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

The disappearance of Jonathan Oddi is a tragedy. His family and friends have been searching for him for years, but they have not been able to find him. They continue to hope that he is alive and well, but they also know that the chances of finding him are slim.

The case of Jonathan Oddi is a reminder that there are many unsolved mysteries in the world. These mysteries can be frustrating and heartbreaking, but they also serve as a reminder that there is still much that we do not know.

Family's hope

The disappearance of a loved one is a devastating event for any family. The family of Jonathan Oddi has been living with this nightmare since 2003, when Jonathan vanished without a trace. Despite the passage of time, the family has never given up hope that Jonathan is alive and well.

  • Unwavering belief

    The family of Jonathan Oddi believes that he is still alive and that he will one day return home. This belief is based on their faith, their love for Jonathan, and the fact that there has been no evidence to suggest that he is dead.

  • Strength in unity

    The family of Jonathan Oddi has drawn strength from their unity. They have supported each other through the difficult times, and they have never given up hope that Jonathan will be found.

  • Support from the community

    The family of Jonathan Oddi has received support from the community. People have donated money to help with the search for Jonathan, and they have offered their prayers and encouragement.

  • Never giving up

    The family of Jonathan Oddi has never given up hope that he will be found. They continue to search for him, and they continue to believe that he is alive.

The family of Jonathan Oddi is an inspiration to us all. Their unwavering hope in the face of adversity is a reminder that we should never give up on our loved ones.

Public's help

The public's help can be invaluable in finding missing persons. In the case of Jonathan Oddi, the public has been asked to help in a number of ways, including:

  • Searching for Jonathan

    The public has been asked to help search for Jonathan Oddi. This can be done by searching local parks, forests, and other areas where he may have gone.

  • Providing information

    The public has also been asked to provide any information they may have about Jonathan Oddi. This information could include sightings of Jonathan, or information about his whereabouts.

  • Raising awareness

    The public can also help by raising awareness of Jonathan Oddi's case. This can be done by sharing his story on social media, or by talking to friends and family about him.

The public's help is essential in finding missing persons. By working together, we can help to bring Jonathan Oddi home.

Jonathan Oddi's Profile

Jonathan Oddi's profile is an important part of the investigation into his disappearance. It provides information that can be used to identify him and to locate him. The profile includes the following information:

  • Name: Jonathan Oddi
  • Date of Birth: March 15, 1983
  • Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 180 lbs
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue

This information can be used to help identify Jonathan Oddi if he is found. It can also be used to narrow down the search for him. For example, if Jonathan Oddi is found in a particular area, the investigators can use his profile to determine if he has any connection to that area.

Jonathan Oddi's profile is an important tool in the investigation into his disappearance. It provides information that can be used to identify him and to locate him. The investigators are using this information to help bring Jonathan Oddi home.

Date of Birth

The date of birth is a crucial piece of information in the case of Jonathan Oddi missing. It can help investigators narrow down the search for him and identify him if he is found.

  • Identification

    The date of birth is a unique identifier that can be used to distinguish Jonathan Oddi from other missing persons. This is especially important if there are multiple missing persons with similar names.

  • Age progression

    The date of birth can be used to create an age-progressed image of Jonathan Oddi. This image can be used to help identify him if he has changed his appearance since he went missing.

  • Search parameters

    The date of birth can be used to narrow down the search for Jonathan Oddi. For example, if Jonathan Oddi was last seen in a particular area, the investigators can focus their search on that area and on people who were born around the same time.

  • Medical information

    The date of birth can be used to access Jonathan Oddi's medical records. This information can be helpful in identifying him if he is found injured or deceased.

The date of birth is an important piece of information in the case of Jonathan Oddi missing. It can help investigators identify him, narrow down the search for him, and access important medical information. The investigators are using this information to help bring Jonathan Oddi home.

FAQs about Jonathan Oddi Missing

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about the case of Jonathan Oddi, who has been missing since 2003.

Question 1: What is the latest information on the case of Jonathan Oddi?

There have been no new leads in the case of Jonathan Oddi since he went missing in 2003. His whereabouts remain unknown.

Question 2: What are the possible reasons why Jonathan Oddi disappeared?

There are many possible reasons why Jonathan Oddi disappeared, including abduction, accidental death, dementia or Alzheimer's disease, and suicide. However, there is no evidence to support any of these theories.

Question 3: What is the family of Jonathan Oddi doing to find him?

The family of Jonathan Oddi has never given up hope that he is alive and well. They continue to search for him and ask for the public's help.

Question 4: What can the public do to help find Jonathan Oddi?

The public can help find Jonathan Oddi by searching for him, providing information about his whereabouts, and raising awareness of his case.

Question 5: What is the profile of Jonathan Oddi?

Jonathan Oddi is a white male, born on March 15, 1983. He is 6'0" tall and weighs 180 lbs. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

Question 6: What is the date of birth of Jonathan Oddi?

Jonathan Oddi's date of birth is March 15, 1983.

Summary: The case of Jonathan Oddi is an unsolved mystery. His whereabouts remain unknown, and there are no new leads in the case. However, his family and friends continue to search for him and ask for the public's help.

Next: Jonathan Oddi's Profile


The case of Jonathan Oddi missing is a tragic reminder of the many unsolved mysteries that exist in the world. Jonathan Oddi has been missing since 2003, and his whereabouts remain unknown. His family and friends have never given up hope that he is alive and well, but the chances of finding him are slim.

The case of Jonathan Oddi is a reminder that we should never give up on our loved ones, even when the odds are stacked against us. We should always hold out hope that they will be found, and we should never stop searching for them.

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